Wednesday, March 5

#2 ~ Birthday presents ^o^

*Note: Tried to post this on Monday and the days after that, but the Net kept PMS-ing with me. Got over that though, thanks to this nice guy manning the Sony Vaio stall at Mall this week, who helped me even though I hadn't bought my Vaio from the branch he works at. Many thanks to you! Nways. Onwards people!! (Haha, cam kan go on a journey saja ;p):-

Hohohohoh. Today my dear Cousin of Youth came to my house in the evening and at first, it didn't click to me why she wanted to see me when my 2nd little bro Ajim called me from my room.

Then I remembered our late night chatting last night and that she said she would come over tomorrow night and might deliver my birthday present if she happens to remember to bring it along with her.

And here's what she got for me!

Captured this with my mob's camera so it's not so clear. I'll capture it again with a camera next time.

Here's further details on the gifts - since you can't really see every bit of the details from the pic:-

She got me this really one of a kind bracelet that has 5 charms on it - a dolphin jumping out of a hoop (1 of my fav. animals =^_^=), two that're hearts, 1 that's a crescent moon (haha, teingat pulangkukan SailorMoon eh ;p) and a turquiose watch. To complete it, there were 4 big...errm - beads, I guess?? - colored blue, white, pale pink and pinkish-purple in between the charms.

I just noticed that I forgot to include the cupcake like box - that is so irresistably cute
& makes my mouth water as I imagine what it would taste like if it was a real cupcake - that's part of the presents! Which calls for another picture:

The other present she got for me was this phone accessory that has my name engraved on i t, that is bordered by this flowery-like design which Tiq knows I like - while on the back she entitled me with the honorary title of 'Miss Purple' ;p Haha, kana gelar Ms. Sungai Lapong jua ku ni nanti -_-'

All in all, it's a fantastic b'day gift!! Payah ku ni karangkan mencari yang equivalent to it untuk anak sorang ani dah December nanti -_-' Ah well, banyak lagi masa - during which aku hoefully maintain flow of own cash - until then. Nways, kan rehatkan dulu c Jewel - my laptop - ani. Fell asleep while using it again last again. Haiiee - this is like what? The 2nd or 3rd time already? Hopefully it doesn't damage my Vaio in any way... Still slightly paranoid ni people, my 1st laptop after all.

Bah eh. Melarat karang ni lagi. 'Till the next post - whenever that may be 0;p

Tuesday, March 4

And hence comes my first post...

Spurned on by my dear Cousin of Youth ;p Bersma2 tni buat post tngh mlm buta, mcm nda kn d aga sja pgi2 (atu aku plg tu - shadowing undr Clinical Psychology department day 2 ppl). Full day lgi tu sok!! Patients ada smpi ptg ni krg, hmm, meliat th ku ni in person cna usul org2 yg dtg minta becounselling ani.

GAAAAHHH!!!! Lpaku, ada supervisorku bgi aku assessments pprskn d isi n ia mau liat sok!! Haiiee, bh smpi sini sjalh dlu, ku kn isi dulu2 the FOUR assessment pprs yg I need to fill in (the assessment pprs ani are used to evaluate a patient's status n ku kna srh isi supaya Kaka Hani (nma supervisorku ah, heheh, baik orgnya siukkan d bwa beceta, ia pn ceta jua blk iatah walaupn nda patients tdi siuk lh pokoknya =^_^=) dpt tunjukkan aku cna dorg dpt tell from the patient's answers that he or she is in this state (anxious, depressed, stressed and all those negative2 feelings - haha, berijap jua ah bnyinya -_-).

Bh eh, adang, inda jua krg teabis2 ni! 'Til the next post ;)

One of the motivational posters at the Clinical Psychology dept. at RIPAS