Tuesday, March 4

And hence comes my first post...

Spurned on by my dear Cousin of Youth ;p Bersma2 tni buat post tngh mlm buta, mcm nda kn d aga sja pgi2 (atu aku plg tu - shadowing undr Clinical Psychology department day 2 ppl). Full day lgi tu sok!! Patients ada smpi ptg ni krg, hmm, meliat th ku ni in person cna usul org2 yg dtg minta becounselling ani.

GAAAAHHH!!!! Lpaku, ada supervisorku bgi aku assessments pprskn d isi n ia mau liat sok!! Haiiee, bh smpi sini sjalh dlu, ku kn isi dulu2 the FOUR assessment pprs yg I need to fill in (the assessment pprs ani are used to evaluate a patient's status n ku kna srh isi supaya Kaka Hani (nma supervisorku ah, heheh, baik orgnya siukkan d bwa beceta, ia pn ceta jua blk iatah walaupn nda patients tdi siuk lh pokoknya =^_^=) dpt tunjukkan aku cna dorg dpt tell from the patient's answers that he or she is in this state (anxious, depressed, stressed and all those negative2 feelings - haha, berijap jua ah bnyinya -_-).

Bh eh, adang, inda jua krg teabis2 ni! 'Til the next post ;)

One of the motivational posters at the Clinical Psychology dept. at RIPAS