Saturday, November 29

Finally! Continuation from my last blog ~

Hoho. Well, before I go off onto an entirely different tangent, as what can happen with a kong-winded person like me -_-' Let's just head straight off to the 3 incidents I mentioned last time:

The time when housemateku Liza sikit lgi walk into traffic krna ia sibuk liat rh d groups of Abros yg len smcm liat rh tni msa tni kn blk dri beach glp2 dh hri atu:

Hoh. Msa that day my housemates and shopping rh Target the city. Lps tu trs ke Cottlesloe Beach krn kwn kmi Sasya (org Brunei jua) mau ke beach. Tpi sklinya she had to go early plg, syg.

Thing was, kmi enjoy tu brbislh that day, sorg2 bru 1st time d beach msa ptg2 d Perth iatah. Abis main bebutbutan cm movie Hindi sja n main air cm kanak2. Abis org2 sna cm kecalian n tepki meliat kmi stdnts buang stress apa ani by bebuat2 cm kanak2 ada jua - buat sandcastle, klu kna wave ketawa cm sakai bnr and so onlh -_-'

Enjoy sgt smpi abis tia sunset. Sunset atu jua, cpt ia turun, sins bru jua strt spring. So otw tnikn ke bus stop atu gelaplh...tho not so gelap that nda nmpk apa. N ada jua org bh msh.

Tpi sklinya in the distance tni nmpk this group of guys, probly our age. Pikir org putih mula2, skli rpanya Abro bh, mati kli -_-' Atu lgi tu, ada this pre-teen dgn dorg, usulnya cm dorg ngntr ia in our direction - utk pnggile tni tau apa, nda tni tau, krna bis tnikn cross road trs.

Msa crossing the road atu tpinya, aku atu liat in the direction of the oncomig cars, housemateku Liza ani msh liat in the direction of the Abros atu (takut iakn dorg). Immersed sgt ya, ia took a step forward n - I'm not exaggerating here - was practically only a hair's breadth away from the car that whooshed past us.

Bek jua aku atu liat in the direction of keta2 atu, krn sbnrnya aku atu automatically ikt Liza ani, tpi becoz aku tenmpk, brhntiku just as automatically jua. Ia bek jua sdr yg aku brhnti atu, iatah ia brhnt jua.

Pokonya alum th smpi ajalnya tu c Liza sndri ckp. C Husna msa tu tngnnya luan panuh utk grab tngn c Liza. Atu abis tni beteriak cm gila trs rh c Liza lps atu - belated reaction lo.

We did end up crossing the road safely apa and og2 asli (Abro) atu bek jua nda ikt. Bus stop tnikn aga tu andangnya rh dpn kdi mknankh apa, iatah oklh.

The lesson from this? Jgn ahir blk msa dri mna2 yg distancenya jauh dri bus stop, trainnya apa, especially if ada streetlights sna atu (sememangnya org sini ani gila save duit, only highways bestreetight. Bgskn?? -_-' N if you are in a situation with 2 dangerous sides to it, pay attention to both, krg if concentrate on 1 ja, te othr 1 will come flying in your face, let me tell you. Literally -_-'

Nways. The other 2 incidents I'll save for nxt timelh. So be patient yea, my dear readrs? ^0^