Wednesday, November 12

Procastinating. As usual -_-'

Hohoho. As the title says, I am procastinating, which is probably the only reason why I'm posting this. As those of you who know me quite well - yes, I'm looking at you, Tiq ;p - me and blogs don't mix and I update my fanfiction better than I do this blog. But anyways. I'm babbling. As usual -_-'

In any case. Here in Claremont, Perth; we have the movie Harry Potter - Goblet of Fire on the DVD player just now, my housemate and Perth mother Mama Nurul's exam mantra movie. Last night was Sumolah!, my other housemate and other Perth mother Mama Liza's mantra movie. My roomie and Perth big sister Husna, meanwhile, seems to be quite emo at the mo and was listening to Evanescence music last night (Going Under, anyone?).

Me? Mulan is my movie mantra, but right now I'm all for music from the Skillet, Bon Jovi and Bleach. My kind of PostMSing music 3;p Fancy being tortured anyone? I feel like shedding some blood right now. It's peak week, you see. 10, 15, 30% Assignments due left, right, front and centre. The time when everyone goes mental, as it is.

Plus, I just had quite a bit of a shocker this morning. Apparently, my favorite teacher, John de Reuck, who introduced Philosophy to me, has just quit. QUIT. Right amid peak week. Without warning. Fabulously so. Not that I was that shocked when I heard it from my friend this morn. I actually wanted to take his Global Literature unit this term, but he had to drop it because he had to commute part-time at Sydney. So when I heard, I wasn't that surprised because I knew of this partial commute of his. But what we - all my classmates and I - didn't know was that he would leave so suddenly. Heck, even all the others weren't given any forewarning!

Thing is, I just finished buying gifts for all my teachers on Mon. I was planning to give them just before/after my exams in mid Dec, but now... Ah well. What to do wah. I'm planning to bring his gift everyday just in case he drops by school again. The chances of that are probably going to be quite low though, since he finished clearing out his office early this morning.

*Interlude: Mama Liza just played Soal Hati on the DVD player. & oh, I'm munching on Honey Stars cereal right now - 'Bruneian' cereal.

So right now I have my Eng 2 teacher, Patrick, the dreaded dragon teacher from the disastarous Eng 4 last term, taking over for John. He's...well, as he himself said, he's no John. But well, he's trying. & apparently any Philosophy, History of Ideas and Global Literature exam essays had to go through him before in the past, so he reassured us that he won't be suddenly lowering our marks so drastically (like I said. Dragon teacher. Quite a lot of us failed last term in his Eng 4 class. Luckily this term has no Murakami mambo jambo in it, or else I would be in big, humungous, matiku ni parai2, kind of trouble.

So yeah. So far this term's been quite...exciting. Geography excursion yesterday, lovely dresses and footwear on sale, book discounts here and there and...

1 Taylors College female Chinese student in Sydney died after either being forced to jump or had to jump to escape from her apartment's balcony along with her Korean boyfriend by a sadistic, vile and cruel bastard who held a knife to her throat when she was about to got into the elevator & forced her to take him to her apartment room - where he made her two other female housemates, boyfriend and herself to commit...sexual acts to each other. He also sexually assaulted them. Reason for the crime is unknown, which is why I think he is just one sick, disgusting person.

Because of him, two women have been traumatised sexually. A young man was crippled for life. A young woman just verging into life has died painfully. A mother who already lost her business during the Earthquake disaster in China earlier this year - this time has lost her only child, & it's too late to have another child of her own at her age - she has lost everything.

But amazingly, with the money she was given from the insurance of her child's death, she used it so that overseas students studying in Sydney would be more aware of the dangers of studying in a foreign country. An amazing mother, I'd say. A strong woman, to think of the plight other mothers might feel if faced with her situation.

And you wonder why I feel like torturing someone. Fotunately, the goddamn bastard is as stupid as he is vile and was caught on the apartment's security camera. Boo for him and he was caught that very same night. Btw, this incident happened during the day. Which makes you think twice that during the day is not always so safe. So I've been chaining our front door. Me and my housemates usually don't, but better be safe than sorry, right?

This is the girl, Liao 'Elva' Wei (18) & her bf Chris Han (19). Lovely couple, weren't they? It is an unfair, unjust world that we live in, I tell you.

Anyways. I really should get my ass moving on those lovely assignments of mine. So until...far off in the future, perhaps.

PS: To those of you who, if they say something to anyone, may reach my Mother's ears, please don't retell the latter part of this post of mine because I don't want her to worry. You know who you are. Thanks.