Saturday, November 29

Finally! Continuation from my last blog ~

Hoho. Well, before I go off onto an entirely different tangent, as what can happen with a kong-winded person like me -_-' Let's just head straight off to the 3 incidents I mentioned last time:

The time when housemateku Liza sikit lgi walk into traffic krna ia sibuk liat rh d groups of Abros yg len smcm liat rh tni msa tni kn blk dri beach glp2 dh hri atu:

Hoh. Msa that day my housemates and shopping rh Target the city. Lps tu trs ke Cottlesloe Beach krn kwn kmi Sasya (org Brunei jua) mau ke beach. Tpi sklinya she had to go early plg, syg.

Thing was, kmi enjoy tu brbislh that day, sorg2 bru 1st time d beach msa ptg2 d Perth iatah. Abis main bebutbutan cm movie Hindi sja n main air cm kanak2. Abis org2 sna cm kecalian n tepki meliat kmi stdnts buang stress apa ani by bebuat2 cm kanak2 ada jua - buat sandcastle, klu kna wave ketawa cm sakai bnr and so onlh -_-'

Enjoy sgt smpi abis tia sunset. Sunset atu jua, cpt ia turun, sins bru jua strt spring. So otw tnikn ke bus stop atu gelaplh...tho not so gelap that nda nmpk apa. N ada jua org bh msh.

Tpi sklinya in the distance tni nmpk this group of guys, probly our age. Pikir org putih mula2, skli rpanya Abro bh, mati kli -_-' Atu lgi tu, ada this pre-teen dgn dorg, usulnya cm dorg ngntr ia in our direction - utk pnggile tni tau apa, nda tni tau, krna bis tnikn cross road trs.

Msa crossing the road atu tpinya, aku atu liat in the direction of the oncomig cars, housemateku Liza ani msh liat in the direction of the Abros atu (takut iakn dorg). Immersed sgt ya, ia took a step forward n - I'm not exaggerating here - was practically only a hair's breadth away from the car that whooshed past us.

Bek jua aku atu liat in the direction of keta2 atu, krn sbnrnya aku atu automatically ikt Liza ani, tpi becoz aku tenmpk, brhntiku just as automatically jua. Ia bek jua sdr yg aku brhnti atu, iatah ia brhnt jua.

Pokonya alum th smpi ajalnya tu c Liza sndri ckp. C Husna msa tu tngnnya luan panuh utk grab tngn c Liza. Atu abis tni beteriak cm gila trs rh c Liza lps atu - belated reaction lo.

We did end up crossing the road safely apa and og2 asli (Abro) atu bek jua nda ikt. Bus stop tnikn aga tu andangnya rh dpn kdi mknankh apa, iatah oklh.

The lesson from this? Jgn ahir blk msa dri mna2 yg distancenya jauh dri bus stop, trainnya apa, especially if ada streetlights sna atu (sememangnya org sini ani gila save duit, only highways bestreetight. Bgskn?? -_-' N if you are in a situation with 2 dangerous sides to it, pay attention to both, krg if concentrate on 1 ja, te othr 1 will come flying in your face, let me tell you. Literally -_-'

Nways. The other 2 incidents I'll save for nxt timelh. So be patient yea, my dear readrs? ^0^

Sunday, November 16

My drama - or lack thereof - of today

Hrm. Well, aku dri tdi nyamu...ada jua buat krja atu bh, tpi sklinya bemood tia ku kn cuba this Facebook application yg roomieku anak seekong atu gilakn msa ni, Pet Society, jdi mencbalh ku...

And merakat for how long, mlslh ku kn ckp. Pokoknya f u guys cek my Facebook profile - & kmu yg tau aku bnr2 would know that aku besmngt pki Facebook msa ku 1st strt sja dlu - you'll see yg aku smpi level yg...tinggilh dh. Mcm housemateku Nurul ckp, "Ai, c Lina, ah, 1,000 dh ia (pointsku)."

Ialah, cna th jua mun terbantut semcm dgn assignment2 yg equally semcm ani. Yg ku teilham plg yg bkn due this coming week ani. Bgs eh, bgs bgs. Biasalah. Student life.

So...yeah. Today was...lacking of drama. Last time there was drama, I think, was when...

Well, yg mna 1 kmu mau tau?? That time when housemateku Liza sikit lgi walk into traffic krna ia sibuk liat rh d groups of Abros yg len smcm liat rh tni msa tni kn blk dri beach glp2 dh hri atu?

Or the time when tni fishing d Fremnatle n aku kna 'tangkap' olh 1 of the othr Bruneians, Ka Nur?

Or the time when we went to the beach n aku come across two rare sea animals on the same day the 1st time I've gone into the water here in Perth - a jellyfish and an angel shark??

So which 1, which 1? You guys better shout it out to me or else I'm just gonna leave you guys hanging in suspense. I'm in Devilina mode, at the moment, if you guys haven't realized from my last post.

Wednesday, November 12

Procastinating. As usual -_-'

Hohoho. As the title says, I am procastinating, which is probably the only reason why I'm posting this. As those of you who know me quite well - yes, I'm looking at you, Tiq ;p - me and blogs don't mix and I update my fanfiction better than I do this blog. But anyways. I'm babbling. As usual -_-'

In any case. Here in Claremont, Perth; we have the movie Harry Potter - Goblet of Fire on the DVD player just now, my housemate and Perth mother Mama Nurul's exam mantra movie. Last night was Sumolah!, my other housemate and other Perth mother Mama Liza's mantra movie. My roomie and Perth big sister Husna, meanwhile, seems to be quite emo at the mo and was listening to Evanescence music last night (Going Under, anyone?).

Me? Mulan is my movie mantra, but right now I'm all for music from the Skillet, Bon Jovi and Bleach. My kind of PostMSing music 3;p Fancy being tortured anyone? I feel like shedding some blood right now. It's peak week, you see. 10, 15, 30% Assignments due left, right, front and centre. The time when everyone goes mental, as it is.

Plus, I just had quite a bit of a shocker this morning. Apparently, my favorite teacher, John de Reuck, who introduced Philosophy to me, has just quit. QUIT. Right amid peak week. Without warning. Fabulously so. Not that I was that shocked when I heard it from my friend this morn. I actually wanted to take his Global Literature unit this term, but he had to drop it because he had to commute part-time at Sydney. So when I heard, I wasn't that surprised because I knew of this partial commute of his. But what we - all my classmates and I - didn't know was that he would leave so suddenly. Heck, even all the others weren't given any forewarning!

Thing is, I just finished buying gifts for all my teachers on Mon. I was planning to give them just before/after my exams in mid Dec, but now... Ah well. What to do wah. I'm planning to bring his gift everyday just in case he drops by school again. The chances of that are probably going to be quite low though, since he finished clearing out his office early this morning.

*Interlude: Mama Liza just played Soal Hati on the DVD player. & oh, I'm munching on Honey Stars cereal right now - 'Bruneian' cereal.

So right now I have my Eng 2 teacher, Patrick, the dreaded dragon teacher from the disastarous Eng 4 last term, taking over for John. He's...well, as he himself said, he's no John. But well, he's trying. & apparently any Philosophy, History of Ideas and Global Literature exam essays had to go through him before in the past, so he reassured us that he won't be suddenly lowering our marks so drastically (like I said. Dragon teacher. Quite a lot of us failed last term in his Eng 4 class. Luckily this term has no Murakami mambo jambo in it, or else I would be in big, humungous, matiku ni parai2, kind of trouble.

So yeah. So far this term's been quite...exciting. Geography excursion yesterday, lovely dresses and footwear on sale, book discounts here and there and...

1 Taylors College female Chinese student in Sydney died after either being forced to jump or had to jump to escape from her apartment's balcony along with her Korean boyfriend by a sadistic, vile and cruel bastard who held a knife to her throat when she was about to got into the elevator & forced her to take him to her apartment room - where he made her two other female housemates, boyfriend and herself to commit...sexual acts to each other. He also sexually assaulted them. Reason for the crime is unknown, which is why I think he is just one sick, disgusting person.

Because of him, two women have been traumatised sexually. A young man was crippled for life. A young woman just verging into life has died painfully. A mother who already lost her business during the Earthquake disaster in China earlier this year - this time has lost her only child, & it's too late to have another child of her own at her age - she has lost everything.

But amazingly, with the money she was given from the insurance of her child's death, she used it so that overseas students studying in Sydney would be more aware of the dangers of studying in a foreign country. An amazing mother, I'd say. A strong woman, to think of the plight other mothers might feel if faced with her situation.

And you wonder why I feel like torturing someone. Fotunately, the goddamn bastard is as stupid as he is vile and was caught on the apartment's security camera. Boo for him and he was caught that very same night. Btw, this incident happened during the day. Which makes you think twice that during the day is not always so safe. So I've been chaining our front door. Me and my housemates usually don't, but better be safe than sorry, right?

This is the girl, Liao 'Elva' Wei (18) & her bf Chris Han (19). Lovely couple, weren't they? It is an unfair, unjust world that we live in, I tell you.

Anyways. I really should get my ass moving on those lovely assignments of mine. So until...far off in the future, perhaps.

PS: To those of you who, if they say something to anyone, may reach my Mother's ears, please don't retell the latter part of this post of mine because I don't want her to worry. You know who you are. Thanks.

Wednesday, March 5

#2 ~ Birthday presents ^o^

*Note: Tried to post this on Monday and the days after that, but the Net kept PMS-ing with me. Got over that though, thanks to this nice guy manning the Sony Vaio stall at Mall this week, who helped me even though I hadn't bought my Vaio from the branch he works at. Many thanks to you! Nways. Onwards people!! (Haha, cam kan go on a journey saja ;p):-

Hohohohoh. Today my dear Cousin of Youth came to my house in the evening and at first, it didn't click to me why she wanted to see me when my 2nd little bro Ajim called me from my room.

Then I remembered our late night chatting last night and that she said she would come over tomorrow night and might deliver my birthday present if she happens to remember to bring it along with her.

And here's what she got for me!

Captured this with my mob's camera so it's not so clear. I'll capture it again with a camera next time.

Here's further details on the gifts - since you can't really see every bit of the details from the pic:-

She got me this really one of a kind bracelet that has 5 charms on it - a dolphin jumping out of a hoop (1 of my fav. animals =^_^=), two that're hearts, 1 that's a crescent moon (haha, teingat pulangkukan SailorMoon eh ;p) and a turquiose watch. To complete it, there were 4 big...errm - beads, I guess?? - colored blue, white, pale pink and pinkish-purple in between the charms.

I just noticed that I forgot to include the cupcake like box - that is so irresistably cute
& makes my mouth water as I imagine what it would taste like if it was a real cupcake - that's part of the presents! Which calls for another picture:

The other present she got for me was this phone accessory that has my name engraved on i t, that is bordered by this flowery-like design which Tiq knows I like - while on the back she entitled me with the honorary title of 'Miss Purple' ;p Haha, kana gelar Ms. Sungai Lapong jua ku ni nanti -_-'

All in all, it's a fantastic b'day gift!! Payah ku ni karangkan mencari yang equivalent to it untuk anak sorang ani dah December nanti -_-' Ah well, banyak lagi masa - during which aku hoefully maintain flow of own cash - until then. Nways, kan rehatkan dulu c Jewel - my laptop - ani. Fell asleep while using it again last again. Haiiee - this is like what? The 2nd or 3rd time already? Hopefully it doesn't damage my Vaio in any way... Still slightly paranoid ni people, my 1st laptop after all.

Bah eh. Melarat karang ni lagi. 'Till the next post - whenever that may be 0;p

Tuesday, March 4

And hence comes my first post...

Spurned on by my dear Cousin of Youth ;p Bersma2 tni buat post tngh mlm buta, mcm nda kn d aga sja pgi2 (atu aku plg tu - shadowing undr Clinical Psychology department day 2 ppl). Full day lgi tu sok!! Patients ada smpi ptg ni krg, hmm, meliat th ku ni in person cna usul org2 yg dtg minta becounselling ani.

GAAAAHHH!!!! Lpaku, ada supervisorku bgi aku assessments pprskn d isi n ia mau liat sok!! Haiiee, bh smpi sini sjalh dlu, ku kn isi dulu2 the FOUR assessment pprs yg I need to fill in (the assessment pprs ani are used to evaluate a patient's status n ku kna srh isi supaya Kaka Hani (nma supervisorku ah, heheh, baik orgnya siukkan d bwa beceta, ia pn ceta jua blk iatah walaupn nda patients tdi siuk lh pokoknya =^_^=) dpt tunjukkan aku cna dorg dpt tell from the patient's answers that he or she is in this state (anxious, depressed, stressed and all those negative2 feelings - haha, berijap jua ah bnyinya -_-).

Bh eh, adang, inda jua krg teabis2 ni! 'Til the next post ;)

One of the motivational posters at the Clinical Psychology dept. at RIPAS